by Michael Kushner | Jan 4, 2023 | HOAs, Real Estate
OVERVIEW Every so often we hear from homeowners who want to know whether it’s possible to disband their homeowners association (“HOA”).* Often such an inquiry arises because the homeowners are unhappy with how their HOA is being managed. In any case,...
by Michael Kushner | May 2, 2022 | HOAs, Real Estate
GOOD HOA v. BAD HOA A good HOA plays an important role in maintaining your property values and ensuring your quiet enjoyment of your property. A bad HOA can decrease the value of your home, force you to needlessly waste thousands of dollars, and turn your life upside...
by Michael Kushner | Mar 17, 2021 | HOAs, Real Estate
OVERVIEW It might surprise you to know that trees are among the most frequent causes of disputes between neighbors. Tree-related neighbor disputes take many forms, including, most commonly, disputes related to: property damage associated with encroachment of a...
by Michael Kushner | Mar 12, 2021 | HOAs, Real Estate
Here’s a question a client of ours posed last week. Since I think it’s bound to come up a lot more once the weather warms up and COVID-19 restrictions are eased, I thought it might be worth while to post my brief response. I’ll post another blog on...
by Michael Kushner | Jul 17, 2019 | HOAs, Real Estate
OVERVIEW By far, the most common concern that homeowners have when considering whether to sue their HOAs is whether they’ll get their attorneys’ fees and costs back if they win. The answer is relatively straightforward: in most cases, yes. In fact, not...
by Michael Kushner | Mar 7, 2019 | HOAs, Real Estate
OVERVIEW Homeowners Associations (“HOAs”) are associations formed, most often as non-profit corporations, to own and manage common interest developments in California. The shareholders of an HOA (or “members,” as they’re more commonly referred to) own not only their...