by Michael Kushner | May 5, 2022 | Business, Litigation
COMMON TERMS AND PHRASES USED IN CIVIL LITIGATION IN CALIFORNIA Throughout the litigation process, you’re bound to run into a variety of terms and phrases that you’ve never heard before, or that you may have heard, but don’t really understand. This article seeks to...
by Michael Kushner | May 4, 2022 | Business, Litigation
INTRODUCTION Often, when people hear the word “litigation,” they tend to picture a courtroom—with a judge, jury, lawyers, and witnesses all playing their parts. And there’s nothing wrong with that picture. Trials are, after all, what gets featured in TV shows and...
by Michael Kushner | May 2, 2022 | HOAs, Real Estate
GOOD HOA v. BAD HOA A good HOA plays an important role in maintaining your property values and ensuring your quiet enjoyment of your property. A bad HOA can decrease the value of your home, force you to needlessly waste thousands of dollars, and turn your life upside...
by Michael Kushner | Jul 1, 2021 | Business
OVERVIEW A lot of my corporate clients ask me whether they can monitor employees’ private emails and social media accounts while the employee is using the employer’s network, computer equipment, etc. This typically starts a long discussion about whether...
by Michael Kushner | Mar 17, 2021 | HOAs, Real Estate
OVERVIEW It might surprise you to know that trees are among the most frequent causes of disputes between neighbors. Tree-related neighbor disputes take many forms, including, most commonly, disputes related to: property damage associated with encroachment of a...